We are so immersed in our responsibilities that sometimes we do not give importance to any discomfort, thinking that it has no relevance and...
We are so immersed in our responsibilities that sometimes we do not give importance to any discomfort, thinking that it has no relevance and that with the passage of days this discomfort will heal in a magical way. So we can spend weeks, months, even years, without going to a specialist, since the pain is often not so terrible. But letting go of any sign of pain that our body indicates to us is irresponsible on our part since a simple signal can be extremely important to detect diseases in time.
That is why we must pay close attention and listen to our body when detecting any symptom, no matter how slight, since going to a doctor can save our lives.
Hormones speak
All women have a group of hormones called female, among which are estrogens, progesterone, prolactin, luteinizing hormone (LH), and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH).
Hormones are known as the body's chemical messengers, they travel through the bloodstream to tissues and organs. All of them have an essential function for our body to function.
For example, they regulate some fundamental organs related to growth, development, metabolism, sexual fusions, reproduction, and mood; and it is clear that its imbalance brings complications.
It takes only a small amount to cause big changes in cells or even the whole body. That is why the excess or lack of a specific hormone can result in serious health disorders.
Listen to your body
The most common causes of a hormonal imbalance are pregnancy, menopause, menstrual cycles, stress, leading a sedentary life, and eating a poor diet.
Many are the problems that we can suffer such as reproductive system problems, gynecological cancer, thyroid gland disorders, tumors, difficulties during pregnancy, metabolic diseases, depression, skin disorders among others.
You can even suffer from disorders that derive from menopause and that increase the risk of other diseases such as ovarian insufficiency and hyperfunction, polycystic ovary syndrome, ovarian torsion, hyperprolactinemia, etc.
That is why you must detect in time the signals that your body indicates to you and thus prevent problems in your health.
1 Appearance of acne
Hormones are responsible for the development of our sebaceous glands; when they mature during adolescence through menstruation, acne appears. However, when it comes to hormonal problems, it will be persistent and difficult to eliminate.
The excess of its production hinders the normal respiration of the pores and clogs them, coupled with this there is an accumulation of bacteria and dead cells.
Also, acne can be a cause of the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and menopause; since it causes rises and falls of the hormonal levels.
2 More appetite
The hormonal imbalances that occur in our bodies are one of the main causes of weight gain. When a person becomes significantly overweight, hormonal systems are altered, which makes it not so easy to lose weight with diet and exercise.
However, hormonal alteration also occurs in people who barely eat a daily ration of food, and still find it difficult to lose weight. When more hormones like leptin, estrogens, insulin, and ghrelin are produced, they cause an exaggerated appetite.
3 Night heat or hot flashes
Night hot flashes, hot flashes, or hot flashes, are a sudden, uncontrollable, and spontaneous sensation of heat that begins in the neck and face, causing redness and sweating; sometimes chill sensations occur.
These are common in menopause, they are related to the decrease in estrogen levels; This hormone alters the body's temperature-regulating mechanism found in the hypothalamus, sending the wrong message, which causes an increase in heart rate and dilation of blood vessels.
4 Loss of sex drive
We know that sexual desire is the engine of every couple; When a woman loses her sexual appetite, it can be caused by a hormonal imbalance. Testosterone is the hormone that has to do with sexual desire that attracts partners.
There can be several causes for which they desire to be intimate decreases, for example, menstruation, menopause, or pregnancy. In women, a few days before ovulation, estrogen secretion is higher, so after having menstruation, the level of hormones drops, as well as in menopause where estrogen levels are affected.
5 Tiredness
It is normal for all of us to experience extreme fatigue, due to the burden of responsibilities, stress, and difficulty sleeping. But when fatigue is very constant, that even sleeping does not relieve us, it may be due to the thyroid hormone that is produced in large quantities.
6 Poor quality of sleep
A bad night and having insomnia is often the result of low progesterone levels. This poor quality of rest can be attributed to the menstrual cycle, as the sudden decline in hormone levels accepts temperature control, reducing the amount of sleep.
7 The skin
When you notice that your skin becomes more sensitive and spots appear on your face, breasts, armpits, and midline of the abdomen or your moles and freckles are intensifying, it may be due to the hormonal changes that you experience during pregnancy.
Even in menopause, the drop in estrogen makes your skin drier, losing its firmness and elasticity. On the other hand, hypothyroidism can also manifest itself on the skin, for which medication will be needed.
When identifying any of these aforementioned signs, it is advisable to consult a specialist, they are indicated to regularize your hormonal levels and thus be able to have a better quality of life.