The tooth fairy, or the Pérez mouse in my country, are characters that children are very curious and anxious about. But the truth is that, a...
The tooth fairy, or the Pérez mouse in my country, are characters that children are very curious and anxious about. But the truth is that, according to the experts, we should not let the fairy take the baby teeth, but we should keep them.
According to research, stem cells obtained from the dental pulp of milk teeth could be very useful in the future of the person, and can even save their life.
Save them for your future health
We are waiting for the tooth fairy. My daughter is anxious to see one of her baby teeth fall out because her friends have already started to fall out. In a small old box, I still have some of mine when I was little.
I was planning to do the same. Save my children's teeth in a memory box. And now I have a powerful reason to do so. Stem cells contained in teeth can be used to reproduce other cells in the body in the future.
What are Stem cells
According to the International Society for Stem Cell Research, it is a type of cell that is the basis of development in humans, animals, and plants. They have two characteristics that differentiate them from any other cell: they can regenerate, and they can redefine or develop into more specialized cells.
Research suggests that stem cells obtained from teeth represent a promising source for regenerative medicine, such as bone regeneration.
For the treatment of diabetes
Stem cells from teeth could play a fundamental role in the generation of insulin, according to a study published by Provia laboratories.
According to experts, stem cells from teeth could generate insulin, independently of glucose, which represents a breakthrough in the treatment of type 1 diabetes.
Peter Verlander, scientific director of the Provia laboratories, assured that although there is still much to be investigated, studies with teeth and stem cells are of extreme importance in regenerative medicine.
Tooth preservation
Although you probably don't think of throwing them away, as you want to keep them as a souvenir, you have a good reason to keep them. Medicine advances day by day, and since we keep them to remember this beautiful stage of our children, may it also be for a good cause.
God willing you never need them to use them in the future, but it is not bad to hear the voice of the experts. Meanwhile, I am preparing the box for when my daughter's first milk teeth begin to fall around here.
Keeping them in a sterile place is essential, but if the tooth is not preserved by experts, the truth is that it may be difficult to take advantage of its stem cells.
Tooth banks
A disadvantage is that there are very few banks of baby teeth in the world, as maintaining them is essential to take full advantage of future medical benefits.
Store a Tooth is one of the baby tooth banks that provides a storage service for storage and later use in the future. The company has special kits for transportation to the tooth bank and from there the stem cells are frozen.
But there's a little problem
According to experts, for stem cells to be efficiently preserved, you don't have to wait for baby teeth to fall out, but the best way is to extract them with a dentist, in order to keep the dental pulp “alive”.
At this point, you will have thought about whether it is feasible to do all this process. And go from the illusion of the tooth fairy or the Pérez mouse to a gloomy dentist chair.
A way to show affection
I liked opening the memory box that day and finding that my mother had kept many of my baby teeth. They were strange, they were somewhat yellowish, but for me, they did not lose the magic, because I wanted to see them again and again.
Of course, by then, my mother let me see them because I had already discovered the whole story of the Pérez mouse and the tooth fairy. And now, I have to start repeating history.
Saving our children's teeth is a way of showing our love for them. It is to tell you that we care to remember that milestone and that we are excited to know how much it has grown. Keeping them in a special box, and putting a date on each one, will also be very valuable for your children in the future.
Tricks for when you don't want to fall
Many children tend to have loose teeth without them finishing. In YouTube circulate dozens of videos where parents do experiments with threads to remove teeth permanently.
It is not supposed to be painful as the tooth is already loose. But that makes an ugly impression, it does. You have to be very careful because if the tooth is not yet ready to come out, it can cause damage and pain.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends removing a tooth that is loose in a simple and effective way. With a piece of sterile gauze or cotton, take the tooth and give it a dry tug.
Many parents choose to do this as children tend to swallow their teeth when eating food. It is a question of courage (of the child, and of the parents)
Whether you can keep them to store stem cells, or keep them as souvenirs, our children's milk teeth remind us of how wonderful the human body is and how everything fits together perfectly