We know that physical activity is important to keep our health in optimal condition. Still, many of us spend most of the day sitting down. B...
We know that physical activity is important to keep our health in optimal condition. Still, many of us spend most of the day sitting down. Besides getting fat, do you know what this actually does to your body?
I used to be very active. He played sports, danced, went for a walk, and all without much effort. Today I find that not only do I do little activity but I am a little lazy about it.
My current job keeps me sitting at the computer for many hours. So I try to get up every half hour, stretch my legs, and walk. And above all, I try not to miss my dance classes twice a week.
A sedentary lifestyle is bad
According to the World Health Organization, 60% of the world's population does not do the amount of physical activity necessary to maintain optimal health. Therefore, diseases associated with a sedentary lifestyle are currently the biggest public health problem in the world.
Heart problems, strokes, or some types of cancer, among other diseases, are associated with the sedentary life that we lead today, which generates millions of deaths a year.
Electronic devices are a large part of the problem because today we do everything from the comfort of a button. In addition, the mobile phone or video games keep us quiet for much of the day.
Being still affects the brain
A Wayne University study found that being sedentary has negative consequences. In this investigation, they subjected two groups of rats to different experiments. One group was made to keep moving, while the other rats remained still.
After three months it was discovered that those animals that had remained still showed negative brain changes, affecting an area of the brain responsible for central activities.
Sitting for a long time has consequences
1 Weight gain
Is insight. It is logical that this happens. If your body doesn't burn calories, excess weight ensues, and with it all the health consequences. According to the Spanish Journal of Cardiology, sitting for more than 6 hours causes a higher body mass index and greater waist circumference.
2 Insulin resistance
A sedentary lifestyle also causes insulin resistance, which increases the risk of diabetes. This happens when the body stops reacting to insulin, which prevents glucose from entering the body to generate energy.
3 Muscle contractions
Sitting for many hours makes the body suffer. In addition to shoulder and back pain, the body loses muscle tone, which weakens our body in general. This weakening will cause us to have a bad posture, and therefore will appear discomfort and lumbar pain.
Poor posture increases the risk of a herniated disc, according to experts. That is why it is recommended to take care of the way we sit.
4 Loss of bone mass
Bones also weaken from sitting for many hours a day. This is something that can lead to the appearance of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. When this happens, there is increased absorption of the old bones and little formation of the new bones, causing a decrease in bone mass.
5 Impaired memory
The best ally for good memory and mental health is physical exercise. Being still for many hours causes our mental capacity to be detrimental. In addition, sitting for many hours makes us think more slowly.
6 Circulation block
The position in which the legs are placed blocks the flow of blood, which increases blood pressure and favors the appearance of varicose veins.
7 Poor digestion
The fact of not moving for several hours a day means that the body cannot digest food well. Poor digestion causes various disorders such as poor absorption of nutrients and constipation, which in turn can lead to hemorrhoids.
8 Increased feeling of unhappiness
Lack of exercise means that our brain does not secrete hormones such as dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins, which make us feel happy. By exercising our body, we release these hormones that give us satisfaction and relaxation. This is why we feel so irritable when we are quiet for long hours.
The solution is very simple
As we go through this list we cannot help but be amazed. The solution is as radical as it is simple and consists of moving. Although we do not like to do physical exercise, less will we like to suffer all the health complications that come with sitting for hours.
It may happen to you that at this point you think it is impossible because your job forces you to spend 6 hours a day sitting. However, with a will, you can achieve it. Simple habit changes can help you achieve an improvement in your health, and counteract the effects of spending so many hours in the chair.
Habits to initiate change
As I write this I can't help but move in my seat, stretch my toes, and change position over and over again. I've been sitting at my desk for 3 hours, and this note is making me want to move now.
Although we spend many hours sitting, there are certain habits that we can practice on a daily basis to counteract the effects of a sedentary lifestyle.
Sit down correctly
That is, with the trunk vertically, and not bent; and with your back against the back of the chair.
Move feet and legs
Even if you are sitting, you must move your feet. Circle your ankles and stretch the tips of your fingers over and over again to promote circulation.
Exercise sitting
Try hardening your glutes while sitting; contract your muscles as if you were exercising.
Don't put your feet under the chair
This will cause blood circulation to stagnate. Position your knees so that they are at a right angle.
That your head does not look down
Try to keep your gaze straight ahead; Whether you're looking at your computer or TV, your head is always upright.
Get moving now
A sedentary lifestyle is a scourge worldwide. Lack of movement affects not only your body but also your mind.
Get moving. Go for a walk, breathe the fresh air. Eat healthily. Take the stress out of the office, and discover the wonderful life behind your mobile or computer. Your health will thank you, and you will feel encouraged and with renewed energy.
When life takes you to sit for a long time, get up and walk!