Read These Recommendations And Get Ready To Sleep Better Than Ever

All human beings must sleep and rest for a certain number of hours according to our time of life. While we sleep, our body performs thousand...

All human beings must sleep and rest for a certain number of hours according to our time of life. While we sleep, our body performs thousands of functions, mainly those that involve "self-repair". This pause gives us the opportunity to regain energy, detoxify, and in the case of children, grow and continue to develop.

NOT getting enough sleep is dangerous

Sleeping is even more important than eating every day; the body can survive for a long time on a minimal diet but a person without sleep could hardly live more than a week. People who suffer from insomnia, for example, tend to develop problems related to chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.

Have you fallen asleep at an inappropriate time?

Thousands of people currently suffer from problems falling asleep, spending a lot of money a year on sleeping pills that only damage their health more, leading to serious health problems such as cancer and strokes. A large percentage of car and work accidents are caused by someone who fell asleep driving or operating equipment.

The consequences of not sleeping are serious

When we don't get enough sleep, our brain is the first organ to get damaged. Some consequences of brain damage are the inability to generate new memories, mental health is unbalanced, making the person somewhat irrational or hyperactive.

Anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, and even suicide have strong links to lack of sleep.

Many of us sleep but wake up one or more times at night and that is another serious problem that we must address and not minimize.

Please, check these recommendations

If at this moment you are having problems falling asleep or sleeping through the night, you have to consider the following points, because we ourselves could be generating the problem:

-Avoid having a lot of dinners and go to bed immediately

-In the case of women, during menopause, you can experience periods of insomnia that are corrected once the hormonal imbalance is adjusted.

-If the room is very bright it can be a problem; it is best to sleep in a room as dark as possible. Darkness favors the production of melatonin

-Check the mattress, because if it is too hard or loose, discomfort can prevent deep rest.

-The room must be well ventilated and odor-free. It is best to sleep with the window open. A fan that keeps the air flowing is best.

A very important point that we often forget

We must sleep at a suitable temperature. According to specialists, the best temperature to sleep is between 17 and 22 degrees Celsius.

Whether you sleep with air conditioning, heater or air conditioning, keeping the room between 17 and 22 degrees allows the person to cover themselves with a light blanket, generate and conserve heat, which will allow them to ignite their metabolism and even burn some calories.

Higher temperatures make sleep very shallow and therefore, the person will wake up several times at night as they feel very hot, and may begin to sweat.

Temperature and hours of sleep

Adults must sleep between 7 and 8 hours at a temperature no higher than 22 degrees; children can sleep between 9 and 10 hours at a temperature of up to 23 degrees to avoid diseases, mainly respiratory.

Each of us has a “personal thermostat” that helps us regulate our temperature and adapt to our environment and be able to rest.

Other infallible recommendations

Find pajamas that allow you freedom of movement and are cool in the summer and warm in the winter.

The bedding should include a light sheet and depend on the climate of your region, a thick or thin blanket. Your pillow is also very important because if it is not comfortable, it will make you wake up frequently at night.

When you are very cold and cannot warm up, use the grandmother's remedy: put a hot water bottle or bag on your feet, you can put on socks and rub your feet, that will make the vessels dilate and soon you will achieve your ideal body temperature for sleeping.

If your problem is falling asleep, do some exercise, take a warm bath, and go to bed.

A trick to maintain a comfortable temperature in bed is to sleep without socks or take your feet out of the covers, this will help the temperature to be regulated and not be hot or cold.

Another good tip is that you go to bed only to sleep; If you work in your bed or watch TV, your body will not associate lying down with resting. Go to bed and when you go to sleep, establish a rest routine through which your body and mind prepare to rest and disconnect.

Avoid shows or movies that alter your senses, as going to bed with adrenaline will make it impossible for you to sleep and rest well.

Don't fall for the easy way out by taking sleeping pills at the first challenge; Before checking that everything in your environment favors rest and pleasant sleep.

And sleep like a little angel

Exercising, having a light dinner, and a clear conscience will help you sleep and rest. When you wake up you will see that you will feel full of energy and much more recovered from your daily annoyances.

I wish you a very nice night and sweet dreams!



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Seems Healthy | About Health, Diseases, Psychology, Fitness and Healthy Lifestyle: Read These Recommendations And Get Ready To Sleep Better Than Ever
Read These Recommendations And Get Ready To Sleep Better Than Ever
Seems Healthy | About Health, Diseases, Psychology, Fitness and Healthy Lifestyle
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