6 Foods That Improve Your Immune System

" We are what we eat, " says the phrase. Coined by the German philosopher Ludwig Feuerbach, this sentence could not be more corre...

" We are what we eat, " says the phrase. Coined by the German philosopher Ludwig Feuerbach, this sentence could not be more correct. A good diet will bring benefits not only on a physical level but on a mental level. Someone well nourished and fed will always be at the advantage of someone who does not have the same possibilities.

Food is the engine of our body and nature endowed each of them with a particular property to benefit a certain function of the body.

By eating in a varied and balanced way we can not only receive better nutrients and their benefits but also avoid getting sick or at least have the necessary defenses for certain conditions.

Food and health

Getting to the point, today we bring this list of 6 foods that improve and optimize your immune system. That is, those that have a fundamental role in the immune system, which helps to strengthen it so that our body is strong against the threat of certain diseases.

According to the World Health Organization, in a balanced diet, fats should not exceed 30%, sugar should be less than 10% (there are even those who recommend that it be less than 5%), and salt should not exceed 5 grams daily, which is equivalent to 2 grams of sodium per day. Remember that any drastic changes you make in your daily diet should always be consulted by a health professional.

1 Blueberry

Known for their high antioxidant power, these little blue fruits are a great source of vitamin C, necessary to strengthen the immune system. One of its components, anthocyanin, is what helps fight colds, allergies, and respiratory infections, as it protects the respiratory system and fights viral processes.

In addition, blueberries are excellent in weight loss diets and are highly sought after for their properties in fighting free radicals, thus fighting premature aging of cells.

2 Lemon

This is one of the fruits with great benefits for the immune system and there are plenty of "magic recipes" with lemon for one benefit or another. Great source of vitamin C, lemon is a powerful bactericidal source, eliminates toxins, and provides vitamins.

This fruit is a treasure for the body's nutrition and has surprising healing properties. In fact, the WHO recommends its consumption on a regular basis. Drinking a glass of lemon juice with water every morning will protect your body against diseases, especially respiratory system conditions.

3 Garlic

Characterized by a strong smell, garlic is food used since ancient times to strengthen the body and benefit health. Garlic has excellent hypotensive properties, improving blood circulation, and thus helping people with hypertension. In addition, in ancient times it was used to cure infections due to its antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. Many people also consume garlic to fight intestinal parasites.

To take advantage of its benefits, it is recommended to consume 2 to 5 grams of fresh garlic per day. For those who do not like its taste, there are also over-the-counter pills. As it is a hypotensive food, it is always advisable to consult your doctor if it is going to be included in the diet in larger quantities than usual.

4 Spinach

This vegetable has large amounts of antioxidants and beta-carotene, which makes it ideal for strengthening the immune system. In addition, it helps fight infections and promotes cell division, thus repairing DNA. On the other hand, it slows down the action of free radicals in the body, making it one of the leading anti-cancer foods.

Rich in vitamins and minerals, spinach is widely used in all cuisines of the world not only for its benefits but also for its versatility when preparing delicacies.

5 Fatty fish

The natural oil contained in fatty fish helps the body fight diseases. Salmon and tuna, for example, contain great sources of Omega 3, which helps the body create a barrier against fungi, viruses, and bacteria, thus preventing many diseases.

In addition, regular consumption of fish improves overall health and prevents skin rashes, fever, and other symptoms related to certain conditions.

6 Green tea

The benefits of green tea have been highly valued in ancient times. Luckily, today we know these virtues and we can take advantage of the properties of this excellent hot drink. Rich in flavonoids and antioxidants, green tea is a great ally of health and the prevention of diseases.

Anticancer par excellence, green tea also has a high content of catechins, which helps prevent aging and reduce the risk of contracting cardiovascular diseases.

Food is the basis of our health

It is true that we live in such a busy world that it is easier to open a can of an instant sauce than to start washing, peeling, chopping, and cooking tomatoes, right? When I think that I want my family to eat healthily, it is inevitable to feel guilty for the large number of processes that we bring with my husband to the table.

Without going crazy or going to the extreme, the ideal - like everything in life - is balance. We cannot have a cow tied up in the garden to give us fresh milk, nor can we come from the office and spend 3 hours cultivating and harvesting in the garden. But we can choose other options.

In recent years there has been a marked advance in the awareness of organic and natural food, and we must take advantage of it in our favor. Choose foods whose source we know, buy in the market where they bring vegetables and fruits from the garden, and consciously reduce the consumption of packaged and processed foods.

When we do this, our entire immune system is supported, thus avoiding the propensity for seasonal diseases. It's just a matter of habit. Eating well, rich, healthy, and varied will bring benefits to our health and that of the whole family. Put it into practice!



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Seems Healthy | About Health, Diseases, Psychology, Fitness and Healthy Lifestyle: 6 Foods That Improve Your Immune System
6 Foods That Improve Your Immune System
Seems Healthy | About Health, Diseases, Psychology, Fitness and Healthy Lifestyle
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