As a child, she hated helping with chores around the house. Sweeping and dusting was not my thing. However, as it was fair, Mom made my si...
As a child, she hated helping with chores around the house. Sweeping and dusting was not my thing. However, as it was fair, Mom made my sister and I distribute these trades (she did the rest).
That only happened on weekends, the rest of the week my mother always took care of everything. So sometimes on Sundays, we would try to convince her to do nothing and spend the whole day playing games or watching TV. My mother often acceded to that request, and those days we adored them. But of course, life and we change over time, in the same way as our habits.
Now as an adult and with my responsibilities on top, I can't spend a single day without wanting to see the impeccable house. Despite this, there are days when I wake up and don't want to do anything. It's not that mine is a home that always needs maintenance, fortunately not; However, if I don't follow the routine of every day: picking up the thrown things, vacuuming, mopping, dusting, washing clothes and so many other things, I spend the day feeling that I did nothing. It's just that I'm not capable of not doing it.
Call it OCD, neurosis, or routine; I call it a habit and I don't think things will change for a long time. Those who read me may think that I am an exaggeration, but the reality is that if I do not have my house clean before 11 am each day, I feel incomplete.
Is it harmful to have your house messy?
It is relative from person to person. I think that if you do not clean your house daily, it does not generate any kind of emotional charge because there is nothing wrong with it. However, if it happens to you like me, then there is a problem.
There are several reasons why not having a tidy home can create stress for some people. These are:
1 It generates a feeling of guilt
I experience this every time I want to "go crazy" and get through that day without cleaning the house. I like to walk barefoot, so if I feel any uncomfortable texture when walking, I start to feel bad. Not to mention if I look over the shelves and see a fine layer of dust on them. Yes, it is strange but not cleaning for some can be emotionally draining.
It is impossible to ignore that everything at home is "on the shoulder" and randomly skipping toys or magazines can be overwhelming.
If the same thing happens to you, what I recommend and maybe you implement at home is to designate tasks. Everyone cleans their room and collects their mess. With this, you get rid of a lot of weight and you have more free time for yourself.
2 It takes time away
Suppose for reasons beyond your control, you go two days without even washing breakfast dishes. As much as you choose to eat out of plastic, cardboard, or disposable tableware, pots, silverware, and prep containers are left behind. Those accumulated objects of even a couple of days will increase your workload and at the end of the day, you will be more tired than you should.
In a study carried out by IKERFEL, a marketing research and strategic marketing company, on “the attitudes of the Spanish population towards home decoration”, keeping a house in order helps save time; this according to 88% of the people interviewed. Added to the above, 86% believe that keeping the house tidy and correctly decorated gives the quality of life and creates a feeling of comfort.
To prevent tasks from accumulating and taking you to the edge of the limit, you can choose to allocate a day for the heaviest tasks. Still, if you think that's a lot, you can always get up early and run the washing machine while you prepare food or clean the house.
3 Generates mental exhaustion
It happened to me for a few years in a house in which I lived abroad. I always tried by all means to have my room in order; Despite that, the rest of the home could certainly be a mess. I felt so tired going in and seeing things scattered all over the place that I didn't feel like leaving my room to live with the rest of the people who rented there.
What happens is that after a day full of stress, what you hope is to get home and that everything is minimally in harmony; But when this does not happen, your brain will enter a state of constant uncertainty. It is important for the tranquility and a good rest to have reduced the clutter of the house to a minimum.
4 It is a source of concern
And who does not? Coming home to find that you have an unfolded amount of clothes, books, and toys scattered everywhere, unsaved dishes even though they are clean, is going to create mental chaos.
The things we have at home are part of our reality; Therefore, having the feeling that you lose control of your reality and your world is going to generate a lot of stress; as a consequence, you will get sick more often.
Believe it or not, keeping your house clean and tidy is not as complicated as it sometimes seems. Remember that it is your daily space and your refuge, so keeping it clean and organized should be a priority for all members of the family. Distribute household chores and you will see how your children not only learn responsibility and order but also learn to respect themselves through respect for their home.