After three decades you begin to notice how your body is no longer the same. Fat rolls appear that insist on staying, the skin is no longer ...
After three decades you begin to notice how your body is no longer the same. Fat rolls appear that insist on staying, the skin is no longer as elastic as before, and your metabolism slows down.
This and much more happens to many of us. When you were 20 years old, you probably didn't pay much attention to the quality of what you ate and were even lazy enough to exercise on a daily basis. Now you know that if you don't, the body takes its toll; and that if you do not take care of your diet, you will regret it forever.
And in the middle of all this, while we devour the last piece of chocolate cake (while it is guilt that devours us), we remember that the metabolism is no longer the same and that now to burn the calories of that delicious sweet we must get twice as much exercise.
What is metabolism
The metabolism is the set of physical and chemical processes occurring in living cells of an organism and converting nutrients from food into energy for the body used in all the necessary functions.
This energy, which is transformed by metabolism, is used in respiration, digestion, blood circulation, in the elimination of waste from the body, and in the regulation of body temperature, among other functions.
The metabolism is commonly associated with weight loss or gain. And although it is not a directly proportional factor, it is closely related.
What is a "slow metabolism"?
When we eat food, the enzymes of the digestive system break down the nutrients, and these are absorbed by the blood, which takes them to the cells where other enzymes accelerate or regulate the chemical reactions necessary for them to be metabolized; that is, they are processed in such a way that energy is released or stored.
The "speed" in which our metabolism works is regulated by different hormones such as thyroxine and insulin. When these hormones do not work normally, we can speak of a "slow" metabolism
When we consume more calories than the body needs, they accumulate in the form of fat. And the higher the amount of body fat, the slower your metabolism will be. The body "burns" calories faster if there is more muscle than fat. That is why men often find it less difficult to lose weight than women, or at least they do it faster.
Before the age of 30, the metabolism tends to function normally; However, over the years, this way of transforming food into energy slows down and this is when we begin to feel that everything we eat “makes us fatter” than before.
Your body entered a new stage, but before you despair, write down these tips that will help your metabolism run like clockwork, or as if you were 20 years old.
Speed up your metabolism now
We already know the basics, which we hear over and over: exercise and eat a healthy diet. That will undoubtedly keep our metabolism in check. But also, you can't stop putting these tips into practice if you want your metabolism not to start getting lazy.
1 Smaller serving, but more times a day
Experts warn that eating small servings several times a day is much better for the body than taking large intakes. Make sure that each main meal is not excessive in calories, to help your metabolism.
2 Less salt, more seasonings
Mustard, turmeric, ginger, or black pepper are some of the spices that besides being delicious, contribute to the acceleration of your metabolism. Try seasoning with less salt and start trying new flavors in your food; it will be healthier and more delicious.
3 Less fat, more protein
Try at least. Sure, it's boring to eat all week without trying that fried chicken you adore. But start by setting a goal to eat less fat and indulge yourself only on weekends or on a particular day. Your body needs more protein to speed up metabolism, remember.
4 Water, water and more water
There are many applications that you can download to your cell phone to help you drink more water during the day. Try to always have a small bottle on hand that you will refill 3-4 times a day.
5 Chew calmly
Chewing fast and eating fast leads to poor digestion, and therefore, poor assimilation of food. Chewing calmly will help your metabolism to function fully.
6 eat more fruit
Eating more fruits throughout the day will help you stay away from tempting snacks full of saturated fat and chemicals. Put on the "chip" and start to go natural.
7 Drink green tea
Green tea is proven to help regulate the level of insulin in the blood and increase the oxidation time of fats.
8 laugh
Laughing daily can help us speed up our metabolism. In addition to releasing endorphins, laughing will help us lose calories. A good excuse to be happy, right?
9 Say "no" to miracle diets
This type of diet will only make your weight return quickly and will also make your metabolism slow down, by losing muscle mass (and a greater loss of muscle mass, greater deceleration of metabolism).
Jump into the action and shake up your body to get your metabolism going. There are no miracles; there are determination, perseverance, and will. If your metabolism works properly, you will notice how much better you feel, and your body and mind will thank you.